Shooting at Munich Mall – Germany, not a terrorist attack

As I stood watching news of shooting at Munich mall, contradicting versions of it were being reported by various channels. The world news channels were inching on their feet to report it as an “islamist terrorist” attack, stretching references to this possibility. It was almost like “they wanted” this to be an Islamist terrorist attack! It was really funny to watch a news anchor on a channel asking a reporter; what is a typical Friday evening in Munich like? and began her “psychological analysis” of the situation! In contrast the German news channels showed the maturity and refrained from any untoward references to any community or religion that could make the report sound conclusive.

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In Heaven or Hell, Jews and Christians be?

No, it doesn’t. Quran speaks hope for all believers in one God. Since our inventions of instrumentation, we have observed in the Cosmos the likelihood that reveals the sure possibility of Heaven (another planet like earth) and Hell (molten hot unsettling regions of earth). How many of us Jews and Christians along with Muslims are going to make it to the Heaven? to the exclusion of all other men! Who among us can dare to condemn others to Hell?

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National Geographic remained bay to show Noah’s Ark

The fabulous work to reconstruct Noah’s Ark as indicated to dimensions from the Biblical literature deserved a tag along highlighting Islamic mention of this story in great detail. For how long will you continue to estrange men from the Islamic faith? this is because many in the Christian world surprisingly have conjectured Muslims to worship Muhammad as they have made Jesus into a worshipping figure, peace and blessings of God be on them. The world recognises in layman’s knowledge that Islamic faith is Abrahamic, for how much long will you continue to desist to mention it?

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Jesus turns water into wine at Cana. But was it really alcohol?

Those who are mislead into thinking that Jesus advocated drinking Wine need to re-read the Bible! A man who taught to wish for others what we wish for ourselves could never have wished us to drink alcohol while he himself abstained from it. The sufferings of men due to alcoholism, the billion dollars on medical budget deficits due to soaring drinking problems and its associated domestic violence can never be attributed to the miracle of Christ turning Water into an alleged alcoholic component. As such the Gospel like the Quran disdains Wine drinking in…

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Refugees, collide the Left & the Right wings in Melbourne

Will ever God be pleased with us, as such since we are trespassing reflection from extending kindness to fellow Human begins. Don’t our voices reverberate in the parliament house every morning testifying to the Lord of Christ that we shall be gracious in giving? Now, when God comes asking at our shores should we deny him refuge? Must we detain Him in a far away land? Have we forgotten that he bestowed to us a continent over its inhabitants of the old? Do we yearn Him to reciprocate his favours away from us? Nay! I believe we must wish that He will continue to bless us more; such that we will strive our utmost to be Just.

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In embryology, Quran tips exquisite details

A fully formed ready to develop embryo is only a few centimetres in the womb at the end of 5th week. How could Quran 1400 yrs ago accurately described it in detail without the ultrasound or other scopes levied to us today? In such a scenario could you afford to doubt while it composes further to explain us resurrection by this clear similitude …and [further], you see the earth barren and lifeless, but when we pour down rain on it, it is stirred [to life], it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth [in pairs].

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Quran miracles on colors, RGB, RYB, are sure evidence of God

Remarkably Red color a primary participate in additive and subtractive combinations of colors resulting in various shades unlike any other primary color is unique. It is interesting to note how Quran came to mention Red in particular while describing the spectrum of colors along with the information of its various shades adding up to White and subtracting down to extreme Black! Human or God? I would like to find out how uncommon it would be for someone to put this combination together while emphatically commenting on spectrum of colors in that age and time in history.

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Peoples progress by Shurah & Islam in Western countries

Democratic civil discourses known as Shurah (mutual consultations), is the essence of the Quranic teachings ordained for Mankind. Westerners, define their successes by these principles, although Islam in Western countries did not partake in bricking it. The Quranic concept of democratic civil discourses known as ‘Shurah (mutual consultations)’ is emphatically appreciative of a multi cultural conglomerate, clearly accommodative of dissenting religious beliefs and expressly sensitive to peoples preferences but contextually non secular in nature. An entire chapter is enshrined in it exhorting people to equity, mutual consultation and appraisal.

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Evidence of God

Please know there is access to God. You can in complete sincere humility ‘call’ upon Him it is called ‘dua’ in the Arabic language. He will rescue you from the nightmares you suffer from, a premier piece of evidence. Then on, you have to build your rapport by thanks giving & praises, after every instance you remind Him to yourself He gets ingrained in your mind, this is known as ‘zdhikr’. Now since your mind is conscious of His might in reaching your senses you need to command yourself to establish a connection which is called as ‘sil or salah’. This act will render your entire senses into an ecstasy of a magnificent empowerment and a permanent evidence that ever resides in you and which remains very personal to you. Faith is but a personal journey! Try this out.

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Is God a blood thirsty figure?

The neo science admirer’s floated a view in the modern world over religions and across cultures in order to meticulously estrange people from faith. The once reliance on an ever merciful God into disbelief, from now the rather discourteous God that won’t just save people their sufferings. Among the attributions of barbarism, pillage and anti humane values the Judo Christian holy crimes involving innocent lives questioned their holy sanctity and rendered its undertakings as sacrilegious. In recent times the armed conflict involving Buddhists driving scores of refugees into Asia pacific and Australia drags them into limelight too. With their spree the neo science ‘ers began originally with the old Jewish doctrine…

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Atheist Richard Dawkins Atheism is inadequate

As you may be aware that Quran was documented more than 14 centuries ago. It is found that it criticises much against the idea of speculating the truth about God’s existence. We learn through many a stories in it that denial of God was an argument from ancient times predating even the Abrahamic revolution. So the idea that modern science fuels disbelief is belittling. Unfortunately for Atheists, Atheist Richard Dawkins’ Atheism hasn’t constructed any newer arguments to build the case. The Agnostic dilemma is thus frozen since time immemorial. Any amount of new Scientific progress is ineffective to bring an alternate solution to the Causal problem at hand. In fact modern Science corroborates evidence to the incomprehensible nature of God. Stating, that nothing in itself is unstable and as such impossible. Which became the first ever knowledge from God to mankind that He has had no beginning Himself.

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Clarifying Verses of war & violence in Quran, Islam

Islam is a peaceful religion, believe me. The least you could do before you could verify by reading the Quran yourself, is disbelieve in those who say Islam is violent. The laws of Islam are universal humane laws that are practical to people at all times. Islam does not condone unjust war or any violence. They lie who say that Islam spreads hate. It is they who spread violence and hate. And Prophet Muhammad like Jesus blessings of God be on them is not a warlord but a mercy unto mankind. The religion that educates humans to refuse the worship of all man made objects, gods, heroes & so called ‘Sons’ and ‘Daughters’ of God.

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British Prime Minister, Theresa May dismisses white peoples fears on Islam

British Prime Minister, Theresa May quoted 49:13 ‘O mankind, indeed We have created you from a male and female and made of you nations and tribes that you may know each another’. She further smashed centuries old myths prevalent in western societies saying that Islam dose not compel religion on people but awards a very clear choice. This has come from her only after a few weeks of the reporting by Sir John Chilcot on Iraq Inquiry also called as Chilcot report, laying bare the incompetence of Bush, Blair and Howard which has led to the utter destruction of a nation and has undoubtedly heightened the security situation in the entire world.

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Islam the only religion acceptable to God

In Islam religion is defined as a way of life in which any cultural background of a community is not a conflicting prerogative. Due to human weaknesses we often slip from the principles of honesty and integrity causing discriminatory disturbances among communities in our governances, observe the asymmetry in our democratic participation by all the peoples of the land due to disproportionate polling their identities suffer. As such a supplementary governing body by virtue of a classed majority granted sovereignty is sure to determine an auxiliary form of governance from the universal need of all peoples. Therefore, as a necessity God must entirely be credited as Sovereign.

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Myth of Muslims not befriending non Muslims

I think sharing wholesome and pure meals across tables and marrying women from Jews & Christians with dignity strongly puts the idea of not befriending non Muslims, at bay. In a certain context Quran educates Muslims to observe prudence but the myth that has evolved on this issue of not befriending non Muslims is foreign to Islam. As there has been long standing association of non Muslim families & communities who essentially lived within the Islamic world. Muslims and non Muslims did thrive and flourish side by side for generations many to this day are known as Coptic Christians in Arabia.

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Islamic wars countered offensives and oppression for civilian liberties

Prophet Muhammad made a magnanimous decision to pardon the people of Makkah for their crimes against early Muslims which encouraged them to embrace faith avoiding their exile. Islamic wars always ended in this fashion, remember what commander An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub known as Saladin (1137–1193) did to the Crusaders, yes he imitated the final Prophet of God, Muhammad in extending amnesty to those of the crusaders who had butchered Muslims in Jerusalem. Yes, its all about glad tidings from Muslims for all people, so it was before all that corruption that we see today.

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