Lineage of Muhammad is traced to Noah, does Quran confirm?

Often people exert leaps to connect with best of the lineages known to them from their traditions and culture to claim novel origins. It is still seen as a thing to reckon in the eastern cultures. Although religion has admonished emphatically that all people are descendants from Adam and Adam is from dust. This teaching by God himself seems to dilute again as people are lead by their traditions more than anything. This article covers Who is Imran, Allah traces Moses’s descent, Allah chooses exclusive family lines, Noah’s line of prophet hood and conclusion.

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Islam the only religion acceptable to God

In Islam religion is defined as a way of life in which any cultural background of a community is not a conflicting prerogative. Due to human weaknesses we often slip from the principles of honesty and integrity causing discriminatory disturbances among communities in our governances, observe the asymmetry in our democratic participation by all the peoples of the land due to disproportionate polling their identities suffer. As such a supplementary governing body by virtue of a classed majority granted sovereignty is sure to determine an auxiliary form of governance from the universal need of all peoples. Therefore, as a necessity God must entirely be credited as Sovereign.

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Myth of Muslims not befriending non Muslims

I think sharing wholesome and pure meals across tables and marrying women from Jews & Christians with dignity strongly puts the idea of not befriending non Muslims, at bay. In a certain context Quran educates Muslims to observe prudence but the myth that has evolved on this issue of not befriending non Muslims is foreign to Islam. As there has been long standing association of non Muslim families & communities who essentially lived within the Islamic world. Muslims and non Muslims did thrive and flourish side by side for generations many to this day are known as Coptic Christians in Arabia.

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