How is it a person’s fault if he or she was born non-Muslim?

Question- It seems unfair that people who were born non-Muslim will go to Hell fire on the day of judgement, while I will go to paradise just for being born Muslim, they didn’t get the same chance that I got.

Answer- First of all, regarding yourself as a Muslim: who says that just because you are a Muslim you’ll automatically enter paradise? It is true that most religions teach people that if they merely believe, they will enter paradise, and by that, they will attain salvation in the hereafter. Islam, on the other hand, considers faith to be essential, but not sufficient by itself. So, one can be a Muslim; believing that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and still enter Hell-fire. That is because salvation, in Islam, is like a bird that flies with two wings: one is faith and the other is good deeds. The expression: “Those who believe and do righteous deeds” is mentioned multiple times in the Quran. The two are always associated with each other. So, regarding those who have not received the message, and do not know about Islam, or those who have only heard a distorted version of Islam, you should not worry about them. Allah is just.

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