Minorities in India Must Know the Indian Constitution

Indian Minorities must be aware of the constitution before it is changed beyond recognition. Dear Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and all minorities living in India, this is your country whether you like it or not. You represent and belong to your religion whether you are religious or not. When your rights, freedom and sovereignty is encroached and your very lives be in danger, the communal forces will not see if a Muslim is a Tableeghi, Islami or ehle hadeesi. Or even Shia, Sunni or Ahmadi. They will not see if a Christian is a Protestant or a Catholic or which sect of Sikhism one belongs.

If one has even a little understanding of what’s happening to minorities in India and in many parts of the world, then it’s clear how tough these times are for them. Thinkers and ponderers among the minorities should realise how bleak the future is if things continue as they are today. Things will continue that way unless steps are taken to check unregulated power dominance by stronger communities over the weaker. It is not a democracy when this happens. Unlike Europe or other countries where normally, a person’s life cannot be violated, there is very little that one can do in India when the communal government targets the Minorities.

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