Islam the only religion acceptable to God

[Quran 3.85 , Religion acceptable to God, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism]||Islam the only religion acceptable to God.

Quran 3.85 -And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers-. Those of you who wish to understand the Quran; my very humble and a  useful suggestion is kindly, do not pick a verse and its meaning to derive an opinion about Quran. The context of the verse is undoubtedly very essential. There is undeniable continuity and relation between verses across chapters. Quran exemplifies the nature of God’s law. It defines faith and religion as two separate segments that helps us connect to Him uniquely. When the Arab Bedouin’s boasted of their faith having embraced Islam at the hands of the Prophet, God clarified in a quick revelation where in they were informed to say instead, that we have submitted to Islam as our religion but faith hasn’t yet enlightened us. Which means although a community may acknowledge to a formal code of conduct and obligations of law but then faith is a characteristic nurtured by journeying to God diligently with knowledge and perseverance, that’s when faith qualifies to get tested by God.  Broadly, religion is enjoined over a populace and faith on an individual. Individuals are required to keep three primaries for success which are a. belief in one God, b. belief in the meeting with Him after death and c. performing good deeds in this life. In Islam religion is defined as a way of life in which any cultural background of a community is not a conflicting prerogative. Although some elements of any such culture whose basis are irrational, superstitious or unsafe automatically get eschewed.

Quran 3.84 -Say, we believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and to Isaac and Jacob and his descendants, and the teachings which Allah gave to Moses and Jesus and to other Prophets. We make no distinction between any of them and to Him do we submit-. Although, Islam and Muslim are Arabic names for particular convictions and good actions. Precisely, it is these sincere convictions and righteous actions which will be valued by Almighty God regardless of peoples familiarity with a terminology. Since God has taught us the use of various vernacular languages he receives our prayers uttered as such unspecific except for reciting the scripture that is word for a word from God in case of Quran, which has since originally remained intact. Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob’s descendants might have had a different word of recognition before God in a quite different language to Moses whom we know clearly as a Hebrew,  Jesus as Aramaic  and Muhammad as an Arab peace and blessings of God be on all of them. By virtue of their convictions and actions before God they are named in the Arabic language as  Muslims. Abraham certainly wasn’t a Jew or a Christian by designation as he ascended them in time but he exhibited sincere submission to God’s will. And any who does submit to God’s will is a Muslim. As such if you are unfamiliar with the revelation of God but instinctively adhere to characteristics of acknowledging indivisible Creator God and hope to meet him after passing from here, since leading a truthful life of good actions then our Lord has promised a definite reward assuring neither fear nor grief. In the Arabic terminology you are as-habul iman (one who has faith).

The Quranic drive to estate Islam as the only religion acceptable to God is due to the fact that our caring God has indiscriminate approach for the betterment of all peoples in this life; regardless of their belonging to dissenting belief systems. Due to human weaknesses we often slip from the principles of honesty and integrity causing discriminatory disturbances among communities in our governance for example observe the asymmetry in our democratic participation by all the peoples of the land due to disproportionate polling their identities suffer. As such a supplementary governing body by virtue of a classed majority granted sovereignty is sure to determine an auxiliary form of governance off from the universal needs of all peoples. Therefore, as a necessity God must entirely be credited as Sovereign which is why He says the only religion acceptable to God is Islam.

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